The Te Miro MTB Club is a Volunteer Driven Organisation that Works to Promote and Facilitate Mountain Biking in the Te Miro and wider Waikato Region
Set up in 2013, we have come a long way in Establishing a Membership Base of all ages and abilities in all disciplines of Mountain Biking.
We Love to Ride our Bikes, Build and Maintain an Epic Network of Trails
We Organise Events Throughout the Year, and We Advocate for Te Miro Mountain Bikers
We are Affiliated with MTBNZ and Cycling New Zealand, the National Advocates for Mountain Biking
Our Riders at Elite Level are Licensed to Race Through MTBNZ and Cycling New Zealand for National and International Events
Chairman: Shane Mellow
Vice-Chairman: Johann Roozenburg
Treasurer: Andy McLean
Membership Coordinator: Peter Neil
Secretary: Suzanne Vermeulen
Dave Rogerson
Lofty Filius
Bjorn Krauer